Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Honestly, I have put off posting about this book, and I am still not sure what I think. It won a Pullitser Prize, and there is no doubt about it, the writing is really good. The novel is about a person who is born as a girl, but has a medical syndrome that means she/he is really a hermaprhodite, with male sex characteristics presenting at puberty.
I'm still not sure if I really liked it though, and I'm not sure I really believed the choices the main character makes. But I'm still not really sure.
Mixed review for me...... more like a 6.5 / 10. I can see why others would really like this book though. I'm still not sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just finished your copy of "Can You Hear the Nightbird Call?" (Badami) and really enjoyed it in spite of some of the sad events in the story. My next read will be "If Today Be Sweet" and I am looking forward to this one too. I finally finished "Through A Glass Darkly" and, in a generous mood, will give it 1/10 with the recommendation that no one bother to read it. I am looking forward to the book club discussion in a couple of weeks to see if anyone liked it. Think I'll pass on "Middlesex". Lorraine