Monday, May 28, 2007

Dragon Bones

Wow, one thing I will say for Lisa See is that she does not write to formula. This book is totally different than "Snowflower and the Secret Fan", a book which I LOVED. This book was set in modern-day China, and I got very confused with the government functions and political environment that is important to the story. It is basically a murder mystery, with and archeology/Ancient Chinese History as the motives, and modern China in the backdrop.
I will be curious to see other opinions.
Personally, I often get confused in the murder mystery/thriller type of book, so I am not holding that against Lisa See so far.


Anonymous said...

"Dragon Bones" is on my "to read" list so will let you know what I think when I finally get to it. I am thoroughly enjoying "The Space Between Us" (Thrity UMRIGAR) and have no trouble recommending it. (However, I am about half way through - hope there is no disappoint in the rest of it!). Molly and her Mom hadn't heard of it but Nannie (Molly's Mom) is reading it too and is also really enjoying it. I'll be waiting to hear what you think of "19 Minutes". I am a little "off" of PICOULT right now as I find a bit too much formula in the last few of hers that I read (i.e. the court case, the very smart "character" lawyer, etc.). I am open minded, though, so will await your opinion.

Anonymous said...

Jo - can you bring 'Dragon Bones' with you on the cruise - I would love to borrow it as I also really enjoyed SnowFlower. I started Nineteen Minutes but found it too intense - maybe I'll try again after I hear what you think.
I recently finished 'The Shadow of the Wind' and really liked it.
Happy Reading,