Saturday, August 11, 2007

If Today Be Sweet by Thrity Umrigar

I enjoyed "The Space Between Us" so much that I couldn't wait to read this newer book, and it did not disappoint. I found it very enjoyable and an easy read.
I noticed that my friend, Fiona, from Sydney, Australia has a great book club and they rate their choices 1-10, so I figured, heck, I'm going to do the same....
Joanne's rating" 8/10


Anonymous said...

I really liked this book (and I agree with Joanne's rating). The book is an interesting social commentary on the North American lifestyle, contrasting it with India's circumstances. It vividly illustrates how something that is familiar and comfortable in one culture, can be viewed negatively by another. It had me searching for my copy of the "Rubaiyat" and heading to the Internet to brush up on Omar Khayyam! I love the title,taken from a Khayyam quatrain that expresses valuable--but often forgotten--words of wisdom. We should all appreciate each day--whether "it be sweet" or not. I definitely recommend this one! Eileen

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to read this selection! However, I first have to complete our current book club selection (and it has been a struggle). I think I'll finish it but, if the author had used some "economy of words" and less repetition, I'd only have to get through about half as many pages. (I've now advanced to Page 208 of 674!!! (Through a Glass Darkly). I still am somewhat optimistic that this book will get much better and I'll be so glad that I perservered. (That optimism is tempered by the fact that I expect the writing style to stay the same!)Will watch for your next review. Lorraine

Fe said...

So glad you're using our rating system!! Book club is tonight, actually, and for the third time in a row I'm not there. The last two times I was in hospital, but this time it's a lack of babysitting. Ah well, it IS mum's birthday! i shouldn't really complain if she has better things to do!

Can't wait to read this book. I loved her last one too.
