Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Almost Moon, by Alice Sebold

Alice Sebold is the author of "The Lovely Bones" which is such a well written, interesting and vivid book, that a person couldn't help looking forward to this one, despite the fact that the first line of the book divulges that the main character kills her elderly mother. You kind of expect that she would work with another difficult topic with dexterity and maybe grace or insight, etc..

WRONG. This is a dreadful book. It is unrelentingly grim and alternatively just stupid and unbelievable. I did not find one redeeming thing to like about the novel, the characters, the plot - nothing. I think it will be a huge bomb, unless there are a lot of people out there who appreciate some kind of hidden meaning in an absolutely bleak and unbelievable outlook.

Joanne's rating: Bad. 1 / 10 (It gets one point because at least it was short)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved Alice Sebold's "Lovely Bones", it's one of my favorite. So after I read that I thought I would try another book of hers and it was awful. I think she only hit the jackpot once, and that was with Lovely Bones.