Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai

Wow. I will need other's opinions to discuss this one.

Since it won a Booker prize, I guess it is redundant to say that the writing is very good, but it is. Very readable, and I found that the characters captured me right from the start. It is a sad novel, and "The Inheritance of Loss" works for me as a title very well, it captures the theme of this book, so many losses, so many consequences of losing, or being born into a "loss" situation

This book is set in the Himalyan mountains, and at the time of the story it was India (From what I could tell). It was very well described, but I sure could have used a map and maybe a bit of a history synopsis, I'm not sure I really "got" all that was intended with the various rebellions and territory changes. I read this in hospital, so my concentration was not ideal, I think I missed some of the points, and I especially missed whatever was within the novel that would have helped me to accept the ending. I found I totally missed whatever resolution there was and it is also possible that that was intentional, that resolution was not a part of the story.

Am very interested in others' opinions, I think that this was a "Molly" recommend book. I'm glad I read it, and would like to hear from someone else who has.



Anonymous said...

This was one of our book club selections. I really enjoyed it, too, but had the same thoughts as you as to the lack of resolution (which I also decided was intentional). I didn't even attempt to put together all the history pieces! I just accepted the fact that all of this rebellion, etc. really caused alot of suffering for innocent people. Couldn't you just feel the dampness in the home? I loved the way the "fingers of fog" (not an exact quote)personified the fog and made the description of the density of the fog so real. Can't remember any of the other descriptions that captured me at the time. It was very sad and people were certainly victims of their circumstances. I don't retain a lot of details from book to book but we sure had a good discussion on this one at the time that it was our selection.Lorraine

Joanne said...

I'm glad that your book club was on a vibe with me! I got to the end and was sure that I should have understood more than I did.

Still, I think that this is definitely one to recommend. A map would be a handy addition though.
