Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Known World

Tiny picture, not sure why, sigh...

Anyway, The Known World.......... pullitzer prize winner, and I'm sure has stellar writing. To be honest, it reminded me of the type of book that would be perfect for an English class, there were many clever literary techniques, foreshadowing and symbolism, etc...

Interesting story, about a freed slave who becomes a slave owner. His father buys his own freedom, then his mother's then the son. The son however, becomes more influenced by his white "master" who helps him become a landowner and slaveowner. He is actually recently departed in the opening of the story, so it unfolds from many other viewpoints.

Frankly, though, for me, it just didn't work, too much back and forth (and I usually enjoy that)... the foreshadowing drove me crazy, and the people I most wanted to know about (the parents) were brushed aside, in my humble opinion. And I never really figured out how and why the former slave would choose to turn around and own slaves, in my mind that character development was vacant. I actually disliked most of the characters, perhaps that is good, I have no idea, but at any rate, the book just doesn't rate "up there" in my opinion.

But what do I know? It did win a Pullitzer!


Anonymous said...

Guess I won't add "The Known World" or "The Thin Place" to my reading list. I have also read several award winning books that just didn't do it for me! I finished "Small Island" and really enjoyed it. Have you read that? (I have your Mom's copy but will return it when I come to Regina.) I just started "Water for Elephants" so can't give an opinion yet. The selection for our summer read for the bookclub is "Through a Glass Darkly" by Karleen Koen (first published in 1986). It's a longer read so we have two months to get through it (we don't meet in July/August).Anxious to hear what you tackle next. Love, Lorraine

Anonymous said...

Good luck with "In the Company of the Courtesan", Joanne! I struggled through 100 pages and then gave myself permission to quit! Something I don't like to do! I don't think she is an author I will read again.

Joanne said...

I think maybe "The Known World" is worth reading, and you might have a different opinion..... not sure about "the Thin Place", it was pretty weird.